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 Software reviews

Here are some of the genealogy programs I have tried or used.

I am not an expert and the reviews contained are my personal opinions.

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Reviews of Genealogy Software
Some things to consider,

Do I want to

  • Print my family tree?
  • Create a website from my data?
  • Use online Genealogy features?
  • Share my Genealogy?
  • Upload my Family tree?
  • Add photographs or video clips

Are you going to be sharing your information or receiving data from others online? If so, then you will need a software program that fully supports transferring genealogy files from one program to another. Is the genealogy software program you are considering capable of uploading reports, charts and data to the Web?



Ancestry Family Tree

I like Ancestry Family Tree as a tool it allows me various clean views with little clutter. Figure 1 show one record with logical links to Parents and siblings. You can add lots of data to each record like Vital records, Family folklore (allowing you to visually see who said what and when they said it!) photographs etc it also allows you to keep private notes as part of your research.

The second view of the Ancestry Family Tree shows an ancestry group with 5 generations of family allowing you to see names that are missing data that needs adding, new questions to add to your list, it also has a clever feature linking you to online facilities you can add (at a fee of course) that can and will cut down your research time as once in a while after you have added new data a little link becomes active showing data that may be related to your research. Although to get the best out of this program subscription is required. I recommend it.

Search Nearly 2 Billion Names

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GedCom Viewer

This a free program that proves the old adage you gets what you pay for. This program is ok if you have small family numbers but with only 300 from an old gedcom file the view got a bit complicated for me. Here is a link to try Gedcom Viewer for yourself


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Gedpage is a simple program written by Rob Jacob It reads a standard GedCom file and it is a great tool for presenting your data in HTML for website publication. GedPage allows you to create a surname view of your data that links relatives with all the basic data and for $10 US dollars it's great value for money.

I have created a 2 views here for you to look at Alphabetical Surnames in list format and grouped


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Personal Ancestry File

This is a program from the Mormon Latter Day Saints it works exactly like Ancestry Family Tree but interacts with the large databases of records they have preserved over the years. Great site to visit for searching and learning.

 I will add more reviews as the site develops

Please click on any of the links shown to visit other sites and learn more.

Copyright © Russell Vaughan
All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 04/01/2005