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Names are a major mine field for the genealogist either the name you are tracing is too common, too rare or misunderstood so often spelt wrong.

Finding the real spelling of you ancestors can be a great learning experience and what you learn about names can often help identifying that elusive link with past generations.

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1st Lesson with names
    Lesson with names
    I had a lucky lessonJack Levan formerly Levenovitch early on in my research as after an Interview with my wife's uncle I discovered that her Grandfather was from a very large family and although I have been around her family for (what seems like ) ever, I had never heard of most of these people.....>>>
Genealogy Timeline
    Checking your facts
    One of the first things I do when researching anCreate a simple timeline ancestor is create a simple timeline. I could use a pen and paper or one of many fancy programs that are available....>>>

    Place of Birth
    Where did my ancestor come from?
    It is easier (not easy) to workout your ancestors name spelling is you know where they came from, if nothing else you can mimic the accent and see what spellings you come up with

Introducing Soundex
    Introducing Soundex
    How do you spell Donofsky
    It is not something we give a lot of thought but it'sSoundex - The art of sorting names by their sound, the way they are written down and where the owner of the name came from. amazing following the changes a name goes through when borders are involved, My Maternal G Grandfather was called Joseph Donofsky, we had no other leads except....>>>

Variations in a name
    Variations in a name
    How do you spell Bernstein?
    After the realisation that the name I was looking for had a meaning, I went totally in the wrong direction until I discovered why soundex is so useful not just for family names which have changed over time but place names too....>>>>

I have other subjects and articles to add so come back soon....


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Copyright © Russell Vaughan
All Rights Reserved.
Last updated 04/01/2005